Bouncer Bounce Backs
A quick guide on how to avoid the dreaded knock back from Glasgow's bouncers, the DO's and DO NOT's
A quick guide on how to avoid the dreaded knock back from Glasgow's bouncers, the DO's and DO NOT's
Have you ever been knocked back from a club or bar on a night out? We know we have at the Glasgow Experience team! This is a smart article to write sober, because we all know how we feel about a KB (Knock Back) when we are out, and generally steaming. What we don't advise is arguing back with a bouncer, EVER!
What we all should consider is the role and job these guys do, they have to deal with our drunken antics all night, EVERY WEEK! Think of the abuse and torment they get on a Friday night. They get what they give out you say? Well we've seen a lot of troublemakers start off for no reason, so its not always the bouncers fault!
Now, moving away from being the bouncers best pals, we're here to try and help you out!We have been reviewing and covering a lot of Glasgow's top venues for a great night, we don't want a bouncer ruining that for you, so here are a few fun tips that should get you through the door!
1. Don't let the drunk ones talk! Hopefully somebody in your group/party can string a sentence together, bouncers don't like you slurring your please's and thank you's!
2. Get a clear plan/story: Where have you been tonight? Make sure everyone knows where they've been for pre-drinks, everyone should have the SAME answer!
3. Group of Lads? Bouncers love to send a group of guys away, club rules and all that! So, politely, and we repeat politely! introduce yourselves and mingle with a nice group of girls in the queue and split yourselves up, no more than 2 guys to a girl, this is almost a dead cert for entry!
4. Know your age and Date of Birth! A fairly obvious thing to know, but not thinking about it on your way to town can end up disasterous. A bouncer asks you whats your Date of Birth and you hesitate to answer, then your heading for the showers early!
5. Don't argue! If a bouncer says no, say "alright," and move on, try next week, if you argue and fight, they'll remember you and you will never get in! This one is from personal experience, and now looking back, is absolutely hilarious! The bouncer goes, "How many of there are you?", to which the drunk one (See Rule/Tip 1!) goes to reply but then proceeds to turn and count the people in the party, "1, 2, 3....ermmm....4....4 of us mate!," Let's just say, we didn't see the inside of that club that night!
6. This one is from personal experience, and now looking back, is absolutely hilarious! The bouncer goes, "How many of there are you?", to which the drunk one (See Rule/Tip 1!) goes to reply but then proceeds to turn and count the people in the party, "1, 2, 3....ermmm....4....4 of us mate!," Let's just say, we didn't see the inside of that club that night! DON'T DO THIS :)
7. The last one, and most important. SMILE!
7. The last one, and most important. SMILE!
These are quick tips that everyone knows from personal experiences!
Thank you for reading the article, we thought it was time to do one instead of constant reviews and recommendations!
Any other tips? Let us know, you can get us on twitter @TheGlasgowExper or on facebook
Have fun, and don't panic about the feared knock back! (KB)
The Glasgow Experience

The Glasgow Experience - Boucer Bounce Backs (Featured Article)
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